Pseudo Selectors
This guide assumes you're familiar with Style Utils, which you can read about in here.
Spaceweb's atomic classes are inspired from tailwindcss.
Following is a list of pseudo-selectors
currently supported by Spaceweb.
hover, focus, active, disabled, visited, first-child,last-child, odd-child, even-child, focus-within, focus-visible,ltr,rtl
These pseudo-selectors
can be used with all atomic classes without increasing the bundle size. This is made possible because we parse atomic classes at run time.
Add the hover:
prefix to only apply a utility on hover.
<BaseButton className="spr-support-error spr-text-05 hover:spr-support-success">Hover Me</BaseButton>
Add the focus:
prefix to only apply a utility on focus.
<StyledInput placeholder="Focus Me" className="border-transparent focus:spr-focus-01 ..." />
Add the active:
prefix to only apply a utility when element is active.
<BaseButton className="spr-support-error spr-text-05 active:spr-support-success">Click Me</BaseButton>
Add the disabled:
prefix to only apply a utility when element is disabled.
<BaseButton className="disabled:opacity-25">Submit</BaseButton><BaseButtondisabledclassName="disabled:opacity-25 disabled:cursor-not-allowed">Submit</BaseButton>
Focus Within
Add the focus-within:
prefix to only apply a utility when that element or any of its descendants have focus.
<Box className="border-transparent focus-within:spr-focus-01 focus-within:spr-support-error-text ..."><EmailIcon className="fill-current" /><StyledInput /></Box>
Direction Selectors
Add the ltr:
or rtl:
prefix to only apply a utility when that app is rendered with particular direction.
<Box className="..."><EmailIcon className="..." /><StyledInput className="ml-4" /></Box>
Child Selectors
Spaceweb currently support 4 child selectors. :first-child
, :last-child
, :odd-child
, :even-child
<Box className="...">{_times(4).map(x =><Box key={x} className="spr-support-success first-child:spr-clr-orange ..." />)}</Box><Box className="...">{_times(4).map(x =><Box key={x} className="spr-support-success last-child:spr-clr-orange ..." />)}</Box><Box className="...">{_times(4).map(x =><Box key={x} className="spr-support-success odd-child:spr-clr-orange ..." />)}</Box><Box className="...">{_times(4).map(x =><Box key={x} className="spr-support-success even-child:spr-clr-orange ..." />)}</Box>
How are pseudo selectors parsed?
Spaceweb internally converts all utility classes to a StyleObject
. In depth article can be found here.
While mapping an atomic class to StyleObject
, we also check if any of the pseudo selectors are present in the class. If so, StyleObject
are converted accordingly.
See the example below:
'flex items-center' -> { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }'flex items-center hover:hidden'-> { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', ':hover': { display: 'none' } }
Styletron does not provide support for all type of selectors. e.g. CSS combinators are not supported by styletron.
Responsive Design
Every utility classes can be applied conditionally at different breakpoints. Breakpoints are defined in spaceweb ThemeObject.
To add a utility but only have it take effect at a certain breakpoint,
all you need to do is prefix the utility with the breakpoint name, followed by the :
character. e.g. sm:
, md:
, lg:
If spaceweb finds a valid breakpoint in the className, it adds styles to corresponding media query.
md:hidden -> @media (min-width ${}) { display: none }lg:block -> @media (min-width ${theme.screens.lg}) { display: block }
Spaceweb uses mobile first breakpoint system.
What this means is if hidden lg:block
classes are applied to an element then display: none
will be applied to all screen sizes,
while prefixed utilities lg:block
only take effect at the specified breakpoint and above (lg & above).
Here's a simple example of a responsive card. Try resizing your browser to check the responsive behavior.
P&G needed a unified platform capable of capturing relevant customer data across modern channels at scale — and translating data into brand-building action. So they partnered with Sprinklr.
<Box className="flex flex-col md:flex-row ..."><Image className="h-48 w-full md:w-56" alt="Customer Story" src="..." /><Box className="flex-1"><Typography>Customer story: P&G</Typography><Typography>P&G needed a unified platform capable of capturing relevant customer data across modern channels at scale — andtranslating data into brand-building action. So they partnered with Sprinklr.</Typography></Box></Box>
- Outer div has
applied to all the breakpoints.flex-row
will be applied when screen size is more thanmd
. Which means Image and content will be side by side for larger screen size. - Image has
w-full md:w-56
applied. Which will ensure, that image takes full width for all the breakpoints other thanmd
or greater.
CSS Utilities
To overcome the limitations of Styletron, a preconfigured list of CSS utilities is provided out of the box by Spaceweb.
Simply add @sprinklrjs/spaceweb-themes/utilities.min.css
separately to your application.
Group Hover
If you need to style a child element when hovering over a specific parent element,
add the group
class to the parent element and add the group-hover:
prefix to the utility on the child element.
Since these atomic classes adds to the size of the utilities.min.css file, group-hover utilities are only supported for spr-ui-, spr-support,.... classes.
<BaseButton className="group spr-support-error hover:spr-ui-05"><Typography className="spr-text-05 group-hover:spr-text-01">On Parent Hover</Typography><Typography className="spr-text-05 group-hover:spr-support-error-text">This text will change its color.</Typography></BaseButton>
<Box className="group relative ..."><Typography variant="h6">Hover over me. Options will be visible.</Typography><ButtonGroup className="opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 absolute ..."><IconButton aria-label="Like Icon Button"><LikeIcon /></IconButton><IconButton aria-label="Trash Icon Button"><TrashIcon /></IconButton></ButtonGroup></Box>
Here we are controlling opacity of the Action Buttons using group-hover