This is a common feature of Text Editor and HTML Editor. This feature is used when you want to display a custom popup menu when a certain character is inserted in editor. This feature could be helpful when developing features like Mention, HashTags etc.
In the example shown when we press
in editor it displays a popup to select options. When an option is selected it inserts a node(Mention) in the editor having some specific styles which is uneditable and atomic.{[TriggerChar: string]: SuggestionProps,}You can use multiple
to display different popup menus. You can also useregisterCallbacks
commands for text insertion instead of node insertion (INSERT_SUGGESTION) provided byonAction
when an option is selected in the popup menu.SuggestionProps
Name Type Default Description allowSpacesbooleantrue If false, Popup will close when a space is inserted in the query text dataTypestringSpecifies the value of data-type attribute applied to the Mention node provided to the callback. labelRendererfunctionDefines how label should be rendered in editor popupPlacement'auto' | 'topLeft' | 'top' | 'topRight' | 'rightTop' | 'right' | 'rightBottom' | 'bottomRight' | 'bottom' | 'bottomLeft' | 'leftBottom' | 'leftBottom' | 'leftBottom'top-start Controls how to position the popover rendererreact nodeReact Component to render as popup when the triggerChar is entered React Renderer
The props provided to the
React Renderer
are:Name Type Default Description onActionfunctionHandles actions related suggestions, actionTypes could be FOCUS, INSERT_SUGGESTION and DELETE_QUERY. The payload for INSERT_SUGGESTION should be { id?: string, label: string } querystringThe query text written after the triggerChar