Building Themes (with Spaceweb CLI)

Building Spaceweb CLI

In order to use latest Spaceweb CLI from your local system, please perform the following commands:

# Go to spaceweb-cli package
cd packages/spaceweb-cli
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Build CLI
yarn build
# Install CLI (dev mode) globally
npm i -g


Building Spaceweb Themes

The command spaceweb theme helps you to generate the utility classes and the theme tokens file. Whenever a theme config is changed you need to run this command in order to update the theme files.

Standard themes are stored at the package packages/spaceweb-themes under src directory.

Once Spaceweb CLI is installed globally, in order to build a theme you need to run the following command:

spaceweb theme [theme config file] [theme output dir]

Generation of Standard SPR Themes

The standard light and dark themes, please run the following commands:

spaceweb theme packages/spaceweb-themes/src/spr-app-light.js packages/spaceweb-themes/lib/space/light
spaceweb theme packages/spaceweb-themes/src/spr-app-dark.js packages/spaceweb-themes/lib/space/dark